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Do You Want to Learn to Play Bagpipes?

Believe it or not, it's not as impossible as you may think. We begin small, with a practice chanter and then when ready, we transition to the pipes! That's right, you can be on the pipes in a few months or maybe a year. It's different for everyone, and it means that you can learn to play the pipes.


To help you gain the best lessons and experience, I work with:

1. Piper's Dojo University

2. My Bagpipe Teacher, Josh Blais

3. City of Dunedin Pipe Band

Special Note: to begin the bagpipes, one must have a practice chanter. 

Since we do not recommend sharing chanters, it is recommended to purchase one.



Piper's Dojo University is an online bagpipe community with live lessons, recorded lessons, and courses for every level of piping. They have a proven system of teaching and learning that is done at your pace and on your schedule. Do you want a live class in the morning, noon, or evening? They have them. Do you want a solid curriculum that takes you from opening your practice chanter for the first time all the way to advanced classes. You pick your program. You pick your pace. You pick live or recorded classes.  You can give it at try with a trial membership and the introductory classes.



2.  A piper, regardless of level, is always learning. I am blessed to have found an excellent teacher, and if there is a gap in my education, I will work with him to ensure quality learning with all my students. Click Here for more information.


The City of Dunedin Pipe Band, which has four different band levels, bagpipe teachers, and one the best system of helping bagpipers develop in the USA. It has been recognized nationally and globally as a quality program and band.  


Local Opportunity

If you want to have a local opportunity to learn with a small group of people, I am hosting a group Introduction to Bagpipes class. In this class, I will go over bagpipe chanter basics, help you on your way, and meet with the group regularly to learn the fundamentals, play new tunes (it is so much fun to play pipes and chanters with others), and help you transition to the pipes. As a 37 year educator and long time student of the bagpipes, many of those years under self study and online learning through Piper's Dojo U.  Classes will be weekly throughout the summer.

  • When: Every Monday evening from 7:00-8:00

  • Where: TBA

  • Ages: 8 years old to beyond 80 - yes, one can be any age to learn.

  • Costs Involved:

    • Practice chanter - I will place an order after discussing which one you want with you. There are different sizes for adults and children.  For your budget, they can be purchased used (I don't recommend this), and new QUALITY chanters start around $80. There are cheaper ones out there, but the holes are different. Talk to me prior to ordering. I can show you options so you can make an educated decision.  I would be happy to place an order for you; I am planning on ordering enough for the class, and hopefully, I can find a group discount that reduces the cost.  I use a Gibson chanter, and I also have a more expensive one.

    • Lessons - the introductory session (week 1) and first lesson (week 2) are free. 

      • Group Lessons after week 2: $25/lesson​ or 5 lessons at $20 each.  I teach some of the lessons and bring in some of the Dunedin and Pipers DojoU folks for supplemental lessons and events. These are included in the cost.

      • Piper's DojoU:   $1.00 Premium Membership Test Drive

        • DojoU has 2 levels of lessons:​

          • Free Membership = $0

          • Basic Membership = $15.00/month or $37.50/3 mo.

          • Premium Membership = $30/month or $75/3 mo.

    • Sign-Up Here















Practices I do for myself:

  • I have a Gibson Bagpipe Practice Chanter.

  • I take still take lessons twice/week (more when preparing for competitions) with Josh Blais.

  • I am a Premium Member of DojoU and use many of their resources.

  • I am a member of the G5 DPB (Dunedin Pipe Band) and compete as a band and in solo competitions.

  • I attend the annual DojoU Bagpipe Cruise (which is the most incredible experience. I will share information on this at lessons).



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